Une nouvelle snapshot pour Minecraft 1.11, la 16w36a continue de corrigé de multiples bugs. La Minecon arrive bientôt et les nouvelles fonctionnalités et ajouts seront annoncées à celle-ci.
Images de Snapshot 16w36a
Changelog de Snapshot 16w36a
[Bug MC-29544] - Particles from falling/landing/sprinting on leaves do not use foliage color
[Bug MC-41270] - Resourcepack’s glyph_sizes.bin and some unicode_pages are only loaded on startup
[Bug MC-95460] - Compass needle spins only in lower half randomly in the End and Nether
[Bug MC-96463] - UV mapping in cross.json and tinted_cross.json models is incorrect / South face of crossed textures of saplings, plants, etc. is mirrored
[Bug MC-101555] - Resource pack fails to load when the itemframe blockstate is multipart
[Bug MC-103550] - Malformed ping packet from server crashes client
[Bug MC-105886] - World File Names Containing Brackets Will Not Load Packaged Resource Packs
[Bug MC-105978] - Lingering Potions lose their effect when thrown in survival
[Bug MC-105982] - Placing a sign that was in a stack of 1 causes it to lose it’s data
[Bug MC-106046] - Lava bucket gets used up in smelting
[Bug MC-106084] - Passengers do not upgrade correctly from old versions
[Bug MC-106314] - Don’t know what stat.killEntity.Creeper is
[Bug MC-106485] - Crafted Banner applied to a Shield defaults color to black/doesn’t change the shield
[Bug MC-106536] - The block model of bone blocks lacks some cullface definitions
[Bug MC-106665] - Pause on lost focus inconsistent spelling.